Five Best Android Phones
Sunday, April 29, 2012 // by Saurabh //
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There are dozens—probably hundreds—of Android phones on the market today. Some of them are exclusive to specific carriers, some of them are available around the world, but only a few of them are at the head of their class. This week we wanted to know which Android phones you thought were the best available, not just because they round out a checklist...
It's Official: Google Has Lost Control of the Android Tablet Market
Saturday, April 28, 2012 // by Saurabh //
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More bad news for Google and Android.
Amazon's Kindle Fire now has 54.4% of the Android tablet market in the U.S., according to comScore.
This means Google has lost control of the Android tablet market to one of its newest mobile rivals after just a few months.
Amazon used the base layer of Android to build its own operating system....
Apple is 10 years behind Microsoft on security, expert says

Apple may be the most valuable company in the world, but when it comes to security, the Cupertino-based company doesn’t hold a candle to Microsoft. Kaspersky Lab co-founder and chief executive Eugene Kaspersky on Wednesday told CBR that Apple is a decade behind Microsoft in terms of computer security.
"I think they are ten years...
First Look at Ubuntu Linux 12.04 "Precise Pangolin"

Ubuntu 12.04 "Precise Pangolin" is out today, bringing lots of improvements to your favorite Linux distribution. It has a new quick search feature called the HUD, some new privacy settings, a few tweaks to the Unity interface, and more.
This release is another "Long Term Support" release, meaning Canonical will support it for longer than...
Google launches Google Drive & upgrades Gmail to 10 GB for all users

Google has launched Google Drive, a cloud storage service where users can upload and access all of their files, including videos, photos, Google Docs, PDFs and beyond. The service is offering new users 5GB of storage for free with upgrades starting at 25GB for $2.49/month, 100GB for $4.99/month or even 1TB for $49.99/month. Google also increased...
How Google Searches the Entire Web in Half a Second

It only takes half a second for Google to return a search based on keywords you type in, but there’s a whole lot more happening behind the scenes to give you the results you need. Google on Monday launched a video that explains the science behind how the massive search engine actually works.
Matt Cutts, software engineer head of Google’s...
If MAC was the most popular OS in the world, Hackers would have bankrupted Apple!
Thursday, April 19, 2012 // by Saurabh //
Mac OS X,
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"If MAC was the most popular OS in the world hackers would have bankrupted apple!"
More than half a million Apple computers have been infected with the Flashback Trojan, according to a Russian anti-virus firm.
The report claims that about 600,000 Macs have installed the malware - potentially allowing them to be hijacked and used as...
Microsoft Translator for Windows Phone updated to version 2.0
Monday, April 16, 2012 // by Saurabh //
Windows Phone,
Windows Phone 7.5 Mango
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Microsoft has recently updated the official Bing Translator app for Windows Phone, which reportedly adds functionality enabling users to translate from speech, via the camera or through keyboard input. With the camera, Translator allows users to simply capture a sign, menu, newspaper or any printed text on their Windows Phone for instant...
Google unveils a 'more beautiful' Google+
Articles & News
Google has taken the wrapper off of its redesign of Google+, which the search giant reckons makes the social network easier to use.
In a blog post, Google explained its reasoning behind the redesign, which is all part of Google's change throughout its whole portfolio – a change it hopes offers up more of a seamless experience...
IIT responsible for Aakash (i)'s failure: Datawind

NEW DELHI: Six months after ministry of human resource development launched the Aakash tablet, barely a few hundred units have reached students. The manufacturing of the device has been stopped and now the ministry and Datawind, the company responsible for supplying the tablet, are focusing on Aakash 2, an upgraded version of the device.
The Stupid Things You Do Online (and How to Fix Them)
Thursday, April 5, 2012 // by Saurabh //
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The internet can bring you a lot of joy, but it can also turn into a world of pain the moment you make one stupid mistake. Perhaps you've been feeding the trolls, using "password" as your password, or selling your soul for access to a "free" web app. Your dumb mistakes can come back to bite you in the ass if you aren't careful. Here's...
Use This Infographic to Pick a Good, Strong Password

We always enjoy a useful infographic, and there are few things quite as important as choosing a strong password—at least in the area of online security. If you're looking to beef up your passwords, here are plenty of great tips consolidated into one great image.
Over the years we've suggested plenty of strong password tips, such as using...
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