Track-and-Recover App Prey Can Now Find Your Lost or Stolen iOS Device
Friday, December 2, 2011 // by Saurabh //
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Softwares If you've lost your iPhone or had it stolen, free app Prey will find your phone, set off an alarm, and even take a picture of the thief.

It does have a few small issues, though. First of all, you'll notice that the GPS icon stays in your location bar all the time when you have Prey on your device—even if you've closed it. This is apparently a bug and should not destroy your battery life, as it would seem. The real problem, however, is that in an effort to save battery life, Prey only checks back with your computer when it changes location and detects a new cell tower. That's great for battery life, but if you don't report your phone stolen right away, and the thief leaves it somewhere, it'll never actually register as "missing". Unfortunately, these are limitations of the iPhone that the Prey team is trying to work with, so it's a solid effort on their part, and as long as you report your device missing quickly enough, you probably won't have too many problems.
Prey is a free download for iOS devices.
Prey | via Prey Blog
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