Facebook Launched Facebook Messenger for Windows PC

News Facebook has released Facebook Messenger for Windows platform. To pull more visitors and to give more comfortable to existing windows users, facebook has developed an application for windows platform to let people chat with their facebook contacts anytime. This is a software that works just like Google Talk, MSN Messenger or any other application...
Microsoft details its Windows Live ID integration in Windows 8
Tuesday, December 27, 2011 // by Saurabh //
Windows 8,
Windows Live
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Microsoft detailed its Windows Live ID integration in Windows 8
The software giant is planning to offer optional Windows Live sign-in for user accounts as part of Windows 8. The developer preview build of Windows 8 offers some parts of the integration but Microsoft plans to include the following in Windows 8:
Associate the most commonly used...
Microsoft reveals its own password store for Windows 8

Microsoft revealed that it’s planning a password store for Windows 8, negating the requirement for applications such as 1Password and LastPass.
Microsoft has tried a number of methods over the years to improve password management in Windows. The latest operating system, due to make its debut next year, will feature two password stores that...
Gmail-powered ‘Send a Call from Santa’ Offers Personalized Phone Calls to Kids and Coworkers

If your kids are expecting a visit from Santa you can answer a few questions and have Google call your child and leave a personalized message.
After starting the webapp you can leave your child's name, gender, state, what type of gift the child really wants, and your own name and relationship to the child. There are also joke options should you...
Better Explorer Brings Ribbon Style Explorer to Windows 7

Windows & Softwares : If you like the look of Windows 8's new version of Windows Explorer, but don't want to use the developer preview, free app Better Explorer brings some of the perks to your Windows 7 desktop.
Better Explorer attempts to emulate the best features of Windows 8'd Explorer, like the collapsible ribbon UI and the quick access...
Facebook for Android Updates with New, Very Cool Timeline Interface

News Android: Facebook rolled out its new Timeline feature yesterday, and if you've enabled the cool new interface, you can update the Android app to get it on your phone as well.
The new version is mostly an interface update, but if you're using Timeline, you'll definitely want to check it out. You get the cover photo, map thumbnails, and the...
A Single Text Can Destroy Windows Phone’s Messaging App
// by Saurabh //
Windows Phone,
Windows Phone 7.5 Mango
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News & Articles Microsoft’s range of Windows Phone devices suffer from a denial-of-service attack that allows attackers to disable the messaging functionality on a device.
The flaw works simply by sending an SMS to a Windows Phone user. Windows Phone 7.5 devices will reboot and the messaging hub will not open despite repeat attempts....
Tutorial: How to Create a Facebook Application to Get an App ID for your Website or Blog
Thursday, December 15, 2011 // by Saurabh //
Facebook Developers
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Developers Facebook has updated the way you integrate your website into its Open Graph, and how you set up Insights, Facebook’s analytics tool, to see how users are interacting with the social plugins — primarily the Like Button and the Comments Box — you’ve added to your website’s pages.
In this tutorial, I will describe the steps necessary...
How to Set Up Your Website or Blog with Facebook Insights for Domains

Developers In this article, I’ll show you how to access Facebook Insights for Domains to learn how people are interacting with your website’s or blog’s content.
Once you have added Facebook Social Plugins to your website, such as the Like Button or Comments Box, you’ll want to know how users are interacting with these Social Plugins.
Facebook Insights...
Picasa 3.9 Is Out: Now with Google+ Sharing and Tagging

On December 8, 2011, A New Update to Picasa 3.9 was Announced Which Includes Google+ sharing and tagging
Share with people in your Google+ circles:
Picasa 3.9 makes it easy to share the right photos with the right people with just a few clicks. To share an album, just click on the green “Share on Google+” button and add the specific...
Microsoft Tag Announces One-Stop-Shop for Marketers: Tag, QR and NFC

News & Article Microsoft Tag came out of beta about 18 months ago, and since then mobile barcodes have become more mainstream and adoption is growing at an impressive clip. Marketers are just beginning to harness the power of Tag for all its qualities: a high-quality reader, Tag customization, advanced analytics, extensibility via Microsoft's...
Java Control Statement

Java Control statements control the order of execution in a java program, based on data values and conditional logic. There are three main categories of control flow statements;
Selection statements: if, if-else and switch.
Iteration statements: while, do-while and for.
Transfer statements: break, continue, return, try-catch-finally and assert.
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